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Breath.ru - Individual Diet
Individual Diet

Software complex “Individual Diet” is the most simple and the cheapest product of “MyDiet” series for individual usage in fitness clubs or at home.

“Individual Diet” is used for evaluation of traditional ration of an individual. It also allows reduce one’s weight, keep fit and improve one’s health. The program contains two databases:

- a database of 700 dishes with receipts and nutritional composition of 28 nutrients;

- a database of 500 provisions and fast-food dishes with nutritional composit6ion of 28 nutrients.

“Individual Diet” has user-friendly interface that allows control one’s diet, reveal deficiency or proficiency of nutrients in comparison to individual norm without any professional skills and minimum effort with the “Help” menu. Individual norm is calculated with the help of the special lifestyle analysis on the basis of a form of personal features filled in by the user. The following personal characteristics are taken into consideration: anthropometrics, stress blood pressure, physical activity, pernicious habits, quality of sleep, chronic diseases, etc. “Individual Diet” doesn’t evaluate the functional state of the basic systems of one’s organism because it doesn’t have any testing base.

The “Daily Ration Correction” module allows easy choosing products necessary to restore the deficiency of nutrients, and avoiding products and dishes supplying proficient nutrients.

The process of working with the program is a captivating activity of selection the optimum diet for oneself to eliminate certain health problems.

“Individual Diet” is a self-sufficient functionally independent product. At the same time it can be included into HPC (Hardware Program Complex) “Integral Health Index” / “MyBody” as a medium for screening the quality of a patient’s nutrition. In this case the calculation of individual nutrient norm is based not only on the data of the questionnaire, but also on the evaluation of functional health reserves (after apparatus testing with the help of sensors). This allows solving problems with overweight and keeping fit by means of nutrition correction and training adequate to one’s physical state. It’s evident form experience of application of this program in fitness and medical centers that it is most efficient when used together by a dietitian and a fitness instructor in their work with a patient. The data of “Individual Diet” are fully compatible with HPC “MyBody”. This offers an opportunity to transmit the data to a medical center by E-mail or using a floppy disk for personal or distant consultations with a dietitian.

In the case when it’s necessary to widen the database of nutrients for an individual customer, the program builders quickly make the necessary changes if there is reliable information about the specific products and dishes. This work is regarded additional service.

Presently the work is led together with the Nutrition Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Science on a more efficient program for usage in fitness centers and beauty shops for those who are anxious about their weight and fit.

  Поиск    Тел.: 8 (4912) 24-74-37

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  Информация для потребителя
Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Центр медицинской профилактики "Истоки Здоровья"
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Телефон/факс: 8(4912)24-74-37, 8(910)642-56-92

Пишите нам: contact@breath.ru

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