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Breath.ru - Your body and nutrition
Your body and nutrition

The latest findings of nutritional science, convincingly prove there are no universal nutritional programmes that can be formulated for large groups of people or, for that matter, for any "standard" man/woman.

Nevertheless, standards of food consumption are fixed in each country. Recommendations on Daily Nutritional Requirements/Allowances are then calculated based on an "average" adult person, with a metabolism considered to be typical for all people. For those of us who are healthy, have a certain body type, high physical activity, etc. These RDA's have limited use. Furthermore, due to the stresses we individually experience, the balance of nutrients/vitamins we require is probably different proportion than the RDA lists.

The secret to life longevity and continual health is in Balanced Nutrition.

To establish Your balanced nutritional needs you are the best expert to do so. But you need information and tools. This is the intent of MyDietInfo Software Services.

The problem of staying healthy becomes even more challenging when you realise that:

- The selection of food/nutrition that keeps you healthy when you experience emotional stress is not necessarily the nutrition you need when experiencing physical stress brought on by a vigorous fitness programme.

- No nutritional programme can protect you simultaneously from virus and bacteriological attack and at the same time allow you to aggressively lose weight, handle intense emotional stress or increase your capacity/desire for sexual activity.

You must choose the nutrition you need to meet your highest priority at the time. Don't be afraid to alter it every day. Once you can fully appreciate your body needs based on the demands you will place on it that day, the better chance you will have enjoying the variety of life because you will be healthy.

A Personal Computer, with the right (мое internet based software) software, will help you to realise this goal. Где бы вы не были. A few interesting facts to consider are:

- The human body is only 4 million years "old" in evolution. Only in the last 100 years or less have we had, 365 days a year, every type of food at our finger tips. Our bodies are used to having only grains at certain times, meat at other times and fruit when in season. Can it really cope with having all of these foods every day? Should we be mixing all of these foods together at one meal? What quantities should we consume, etc.?

- Basically we are living longer. We must be doing something right. How can we find the secret unique to our individual body?

- A mixed/varied diet gives our body the opportunity to choose and use those nutrients we individually need due to a biochemical peculiarity our genetic make-up demands. If this is true, perhaps a woman's dinner should be considerably different than a man's.

- Evolution has not made our bodies capable of responding to all events without sacrificing something. Perhaps this is why we grow old (some faster than others) or become ill (psychologically or physically).

- Society gives the impression that it is promoting longevity. Is this necessary if the quality of life does not go with it?

MyDietInfo Software Services cannot solve all problems for all people. Therefore we have focused on healthy people who desire physical activity, mental challenge, performance beyond their norms and variety in life.

We ask you to input the critical parameters of "External" and "Internal" stresses. We then calculate your nutritional needs, balanced to meet the stresses. The calculations we make can only be optimal if you periodically measure and input key health and fitness parameters. This is a step closer to determining ultimately your precise needs based on your world, your metabolism, your biochemical make-up.

The latest findings of nutritional science, convincingly prove there are no universal nutritional programmes that can be formulated for large groups of people or, for that matter, for any "standard" man/woman.

Nevertheless, standards of food consumption are fixed in each country. Recommendations on Daily Nutritional Requirements/Allowances are then calculated based on an "average" adult person, with a metabolism considered to be typical for all people. For those of us who are healthy, have a certain body type, high physical activity, etc. These RDA's have limited use. Furthermore, due to the stresses we individually experience, the balance of nutrients/vitamins we require is probably different proportion than the RDA lists.

The secret to life longevity and continual health is in Balanced Nutrition.

To establish Your balanced nutritional needs you are the best expert to do so. But you need information and tools. This is the intent of MyDietInfo Software Services.

The problem of staying healthy becomes even more challenging when you realise that:

- The selection of food/nutrition that keeps you healthy when you experience emotional stress is not necessarily the nutrition you need when experiencing physical stress brought on by a vigorous fitness programme.

- No nutritional programme can protect you simultaneously from virus and bacteriological attack and at the same time allow you to aggressively lose weight, handle intense emotional stress or increase your capacity/desire for sexual activity.

You must choose the nutrition you need to meet your highest priority at the time. Don't be afraid to alter it every day. Once you can fully appreciate your body needs based on the demands you will place on it that day, the better chance you will have enjoying the variety of life because you will be healthy.

A Personal Computer, with the right (мое internet based software) software, will help you to realise this goal. Где бы вы не были. A few interesting facts to consider are:

- The human body is only 4 million years "old" in evolution. Only in the last 100 years or less have we had, 365 days a year, every type of food at our finger tips. Our bodies are used to having only grains at certain times, meat at other times and fruit when in season. Can it really cope with having all of these foods every day? Should we be mixing all of these foods together at one meal? What quantities should we consume, etc.?

- Basically we are living longer. We must be doing something right. How can we find the secret unique to our individual body?

- A mixed/varied diet gives our body the opportunity to choose and use those nutrients we individually need due to a biochemical peculiarity our genetic make-up demands. If this is true, perhaps a woman's dinner should be considerably different than a man's.

- Evolution has not made our bodies capable of responding to all events without sacrificing something. Perhaps this is why we grow old (some faster than others) or become ill (psychologically or physically).

- Society gives the impression that it is promoting longevity. Is this necessary if the quality of life does not go with it?

MyDietInfo Software Services cannot solve all problems for all people. Therefore we have focused on healthy people who desire physical activity, mental challenge, performance beyond their norms and variety in life.

We ask you to input the critical parameters of "External" and "Internal" stresses. We then calculate your nutritional needs, balanced to meet the stresses. The calculations we make can only be optimal if you periodically measure and input key health and fitness parameters. This is a step closer to determining ultimately your precise needs based on your world, your metabolism, your biochemical make-up.

  Поиск    Тел.: 8 (4912) 24-74-37

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Оснащение Центров здоровья для детей позволит создать оптимальные условия для проведения комплексных оздоровительно-восстановительных мероприятий на основе: оценки функциональных и адаптивных резервов детского организма; динамического наблюдения за группами риска развития неинфекционных заболеваний; прогноза состояния здоровья, консультирования по сохранению и укреплению здоровья, включая рекомендации по коррекции питания, двигательной активности, занятиям физкультурой и спортом, режиму сна, условиям быта, труда (учебы) и отдыха; разработки индивидуальных рекомендаций по сохранению здоровья; организации мониторинга показателей в области профилактики неинфекционных заболеваний и формирования здорового образа жизни. >>>
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  Информация для потребителя
Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Центр медицинской профилактики "Истоки Здоровья"
Является членном ассоциации компаний Breath technologies.

Реквизиты: ИНН 6231056844, КПП623101001, ОГРН 1036208007230.
Адрес: г. Рязань, ул. Есенина д.116/1, оф.703, РФ, 390046

Телефон/факс: 8(4912)24-74-37, 8(910)642-56-92

Пишите нам: contact@breath.ru

Звоните нам: 8 (4912) 24-74-37 (тел/факс)



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