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Breath.ru - Love Diet. Introduction
Love Diet. Introduction

Love Diet is mainly devoped to one aspect of person’s health - his or her sexual activity, the influence of nutrition on this side of vital activity, the comparison of the ideas, grounded by scientists and various beliefs about the influence of fool on the processes, connected with sex and realization of sexual performance and aspirations of a person. As the reader will see, it is impossible to consider aforesaid range of questions without the idea about the healthy nutrition, without the comparison of various metrition conceptions, which give sometimes quit incompatible advices about healthy nutrition. Accordingly, our book is story about health nutrition, but the story in which the benefit and the harm from this or that dietetic manipulations are considered mainly in the light of person’s sexual interests and sexual performance.

The theme under review is interesting not only by itself, it gives an exellentmaterial for discussion about resource of person’s opportunilies and reasonable using of this recourse, which unfortunately is not boundless.

The nutrition influence on sexual performance of a person and his (her) wishes is closely connected with the problem of illness prevention, which restricts person’s opportunities, and with the methods of supporting the strength and the energy of organizm, with prolongation of the youth and Achievement the active longevity. All these questions are considered in the offerring book. Often a person has to have recourse the unsing drugs. In this book we shall give you advices how in the range of cases with the help of reasonable nutrition you can manage without them, and also we shall tell you about drugs which negatively influence on male sexual ability.

The offerring book is not by no means a treatise about the history of using of the nutrition for regulation of person’s sexual performance, but the great experience accumulated by humanity during thousands of years in the field of various “love stimulants” /Aphrodisiaca/, the influence on sexual activity of a person by decoctions influsions, various potions (и эликсиров?) and also the using for this purpose of the various kinds of food of organic and vegetable origin can’t be ignored. Many of these ancient advces have found their place in the book, and every time they we being estimated from the position of the modern medicine. We’have made an attempt to difirentiate all kinds of “alchemy of love” and scientific facts of food influence on a person’s sexual perfomance and his or her wishes in considerring field.

In ancient world, in the Middle Ages, and in the 19th century in the considerring field mainly prevail the interest to the means, intended for causing the woman’s sexual aspirations and for the rise of the man’s potential, but the reasonable healthy nutrition which is one of such means, somehow fell out from the attention. In the Eastern coutries the interest to drugs strengthening the potential, was warmed up by the life style as itself - the existance of polygamy, of harems where a man must show outstanding abilities. Perhaps, the most important generalization of this period of the development of the interested us sphere was the book by John Davenport (1789-1877) “Aphrodisiacs and Love Stimulants”, published in 1966. That was the posthumous publication of the book, published under another name in 1873 and 1877. On 1893 - more than 100 years ago - in Great Britain the book by D. Kallog “The Guide - book for Lady in Health and Illnesses” was published. It was one of the first books, where the nutrition was considered as the base for normal sexual life, also the role food protein was considered. That was the passage from the love stimulans passion to the analisys of nutrition influence on sexual sphere of a person.

Many years after this approachin rather temparate degree - was developed by E. Scheimant (1975) in the book “Sex Can Save Your Heart and Life”. Here the accent was made to the nutrition defending us from otherosclerosis and assisting thus the showing of sexual wishes and opportunities of their realization. Some years later the book “Good Power” by G.Schwartz was published. The conception about the influence of the balance of nutrients found here its further development, but although here much attention was developed to various love stimulants.

A range of conceptions about nutrition influence on sexual activity of a person was born in the Eastern countries - India, China, they got their spreading in Tibetan medicine and penetrated from these countries to the west. We’ll tell you also about these conceptions.

Before strating the account of various secrets about the influence on organizm of love stimulants, potion or simply set of nutrients, we have to speak about the structure of our bood, about the set of nutrients, on which both the person’s health and his sexual desighs, wishes and abilities for their satisfaction depends. This chapter can seem to be uniteresting for the readed but we advese you not to leave it out, and those who prefer to pass the information about the food structure, we recomend to return to this information during the reading of the next chapters and appearance of questions.

But we shall tell you in further statement for example about the influence of zinc or vitamin B6 on the man’s sexual activity or about the influence of these substonces on the woman’s organizm befor a mensruation and the reader will like to know what food-stuffs contain named substances.

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