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Breath.ru - Food Power
Food Power

A man is what he eats.

(Ancient dictum)

Not only a person's health, but also his/her character, wishes, efficincy and sexual abilities are constantly in power of food. Of course, it would be primitively to reduce every psychological porticularities to food composition.

G. Schwarty who was already named about in his book "Food Power" (1975) wrole: "We are what we eat" is by now a frued cliche and it is inaccurate as well. We are what we eat, where we eat, with whom we eat, now we eat, and when we eat."

But food composition and the other factor at the same time have of no small importance meaning and up today, the well - known dictum of a famous chemist Lavoisier "life is the chemical phenomen" dosen't lose its importance.

So, what is important for display and realization of person's sexual ablities. Does it a day - set of products meeting the organism demand or do they any spesial products and drinks, increasing the sexual wish, potential and afflux of a sexual passion? Both, but in the first place it is the rational nutrition, which was began in infancy and childhood. it is no doubt, that definite advances of potential and sexual inclination are passed by heredity. But only heredity is not enough for their displey. It is very important now and what a person ate in infancy and childhood. There was a tradition in one of the Near Eastern countries to bark bread without yeast filates of flour, connecting zinc, do not break and zinc in this bread stays unreached for the organism. At the same time the set of other products, using by population there, doesn't supply the organism with sufficient amount of zinc. And here is the unpleasent result: some boys sexual glands don't develop in sufficient measure, than it tells appearance and sexual ablities of growing from them men.

Female traits of the boys' figures and their temper might appear also under influence of carbonydrates excess in food, esspecially in sugar. It is noted that the consumption of considerable amount of sugar - up to 15 grammes per day leads to the accumulation female sexual hormones. A number of scientists, performing rescarches independently from each other anounced about this result.

Nutrition can speled or slow down the sexual maturation of children; the specific peculiarities of person's figure are formed during this process an exerienced sexologist can ofter made definite conclusious about the sexual activity and potential, looking at person's figure. Figure forming side by side eveth hereditary factors and dislases can be coditioned, for example, by the lack of protein, irom and vitamine B12 it concerns, for the first place vegans, and this fact leads to anemia and delay in development of sexual signs.

So what are the demons which direct the sexual development, and than sexual activity and potential? Medicine of Aucient India explained the food influence on a person by a balance of number of origins, existing in person's surroundings and in his/her organism. Medicine and philosophy of China in 8-5 century B.C. saw the reason of various food influence in the balance of two origins - strong. Young and weak Ying. They considered that these origins existed both in person's organism and in food, and that the disbalance of origins according to this couception could be corrected by selecting the necessary balance of nutrients. All these facts had to do with the sexual problems. In medicine of the East, and than in the Western Europe also these conceptions gave firth to a conception about warming and cooling properies of products, grounding the food influence on the balance of these origins. The echo of these idea can be come across nowaday in some books indended for mass reader.

Nevertheless, the science was developed, moved farther and farther it changed its ideas, made itself more sure that the food influence on a person, that seemed to be so mysterious, was conditioned by food composition and physical properties of nutrients. In 19-20 centuries A.D. the scientists step by step found out ever-nearing substances that participated in balance, revealed the role of protein and aminiacids in this balance, undersfood the meaning of fats and carbohydrates, found out vitamins and developed the science about them - vitaminology, convincingly explaine the role and the place of many of inorganic substances of food in the balanced nutrition. In essence, the 19-20 centuries were marked by moving from the ancient conceptions about the balance of a number of operating origins to modern conceptions about the balance and cooperation of dozens of mofrients.

This change was the great achievement on the way of understanding of the food influence on person's health but it became defficult for a common food consumer to understand the discaurses of scientists about cooperation of dozen of nutrients in organism. Phycologists affirm that it is difficult to a person to operate inhis/her mind with more than 5-7 objects. That is why 7 colours of spectrum, 7 notes of musical octave were marked out, ancient phylosophy turned to the life circle, consisting of 5 origins.

But we, for better understanding of the following chapters, have to consider even if the most important of dozens of nutrients,cooperation of which determines person's health, longevity and sexual perfomance.


You, undoubtedly, have used or even saw gelatine, which is necessary for cooking meat-jelly and jelly. It is the protein, produced from organic raw-materials. Proteins of animals and plants consist of the same 20 amino-

acids, connected in bonds. Exactly these 20 aminoacids, alterrating in varioussequences, from all the enormous variaty of protein in our food. Let's remember, for example, such proteins which are very unlike each other as gelatine, white and meat protein.

Proteins are digested in stomach and bowels, amino acids are formed from them, after that they come in to blood.

The sourcer of protein in food are in the first place - meat, fish, milk, dairy products, pulses and bread grouns, nuts. The protein providing of organism is much less.

Proteins of our organism consist of the same amino acids, as food proteins do. The assimilation of food proteins for forming the organism protein is higher when their combination aminoacids more corresponds with the combination of proteins of a person. Our organism is able to form many of amino acids from other substances, but at least 8 (and 9 in childen's organisms) amino acids a person should obligotory get with the food in ready from. We shall not tire you with the names of these amino acids, but we only want to note, that all of them are called - "essendial or indispensible" amino acids. In further statement we shall tell you about their role in sexual status of organism.

As a rule, the set of essential amino acids in organic products does for the synthesis of person proteins better than the set of amino acids in vegetable food. There is one of the law exeptious among vegetable products - pulses (pea, haricot, bean, lentil, ect.), their amino acids' set is closer to meat.

The assimilation of food proteins for the creation of organism's proteins is called "biological value" of food proteins. This name we shall came across further.

Amino acids of food proteins are used not only for forming the organism's proteins, but also for hormones synthesis, and for synthesis of substances that pass the signals in newrotransmitions. Exactly these substances are very important for psychic activity of a person, his or her motivations, activity, encluding sexual performance.


Grease, butter, vegetable oil, margarine mainey consist of fats. In every day use these products are called fats, but from the point of view of a chemist they are not fats, but fatly food-stuffs, which side by side with fats contain other substances, and fats - are the chemical combination of glycerol with fatty acids.

In bowels fats are digested, forming glycerol and fatty acids. Bile promote the absorbtion of fatty acids.

The variety of food fats, their culimary characteristics and pacularities of influence on organism depend on their fatty acids composition.

From the point of view of our theme it is more interesting for us to consider polyunsaturated fatty acids, which coutain in their molecules several double bonds between carbon atoms. We would like to name among them linoleic and linolenic acids. They are very important to person's health and sexual performance. Vegetable oil, pulses, nuts, sea fish and soft margarines are the source of these acids. Fish and vegetable oils successfully supplement each other in fatty acid composition. Organic fats are more jejune in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Especially it has to do with ruminants fat: during the process of rumen digestion microorganisms of their disgestive canal considerably dicrease the content of these acids, comming with forage. No wonder, that lard are richer in the containing of these acids, than cow's fat, and goat's milk is richer than cow's milk.

Cholesterol, which is famous of atheroscleroses development is unfailing companion of organic fats. Another group of fatty substances is phosphatides, they on the contrary protect the organism brom this disease. We shall turn back in this book to the problem of cholesterd and phosphatides in the aspect of sexual perfomance.


Such unlike each other substances as sugar and starch have to do with carbohydrates. And what is more, a number of substances, forming the plants' tissues, are also have to do with carbohydrates, although they out ward are not like sugar or starch and resemble more cotton wool. The general trait of carbohydrates is that fact that molecules of all these various substances consist of simple sugar-glucose, rarely fructose, galactose or something else. Carbohydrated are the most important source of energy in organism. Bread grains, four, bread, pulses, potatoes, nuts are rich in carbohydrates. Confetionery ussually contains much sugar. Many fruits and honey are the sources of simple carbohydrates. Some of carbohydrates are not assimilated by organism, but make a great contribution to health. we shall stop on these substances (djetary fibres or food fibres) in one of the next chapters.

Energetic value of food

Lince extreme ancient time there are the conception about the existance of a special alive energy or alive power. In 8-5 centuries B.C. chineese called it. Some people consider that an other energy exists side by side with calorific value in food. Unfortunately there is no such energy. Carbohydrates play the role of sources of enerdy in organism, also fats and lessproteins.

It is the energy of these substances what holds up all the processes of vital activity of a person, bath the work of internal organs, his (her) physical labour, his (her) mentat and emotional activity or heat production. Energy, contained in chemical structures of food substances - is not anything else as transformed energy of the sun lights. Really: the green plant catches the sun lights, use this energy for synthese of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and a person gets the accumulated by this process energy of the sun lights either directly from plants, while eating them, or by eating animals, eaten plants. It is no mere chance that famous biologist Timiriazev consided our food as the "tinned" sun energy.

We want to note that in eroupien dicts the metabolizable energy of proteins ans carbohydrates is 4 Kcal/g, fats - 9 Kcal/g ( accordingly, 17 and 37 kj/g). Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are spent not only for energy recieving, but also for building and renewal of the organism's structures. Bisides the carbohydrates have an opportunity to decreas the protein expenditure for energetical needs - when there is enough amount of carbohydrates in organisn, it uses them in the first place, saving proteins.

Vitamins and a number of taste substances do not give energy to organism, but they take place in the processes of regulation of substances exchange, including energetic exchange.


One hundred ears ago there was no such a word "vitamins". The existance of this group of substances was dicovered by russian scientist Lunin N.I. in 1880, and the name was suggested by polis scientist K. Funk, working in London. It happened in 1911.

Vitamins - is a group of various to their chemical origin substances, which are necessary to organism in very small amounts and which are not used by it as sources of energy.

Vitamins take place in the regulation of the various processes of vital activity, and that is why the health emotional dispose, work capacity risistance to illnesses and sexual ablities depend on vitamins' supply.

Vitamins are marked out by letters and figures, for example, vitamin B1. A number of vitamins are represented by related combination, marking by ane for all of them letter, but different figures, for example D2,D3. Besides nowadays the chemical names of vitamins are used more and more often.

So, vitamin B1 otherwise is named thyamin, vitamin C - ascorbic acid.

In the next chapters we shall consider the participation of vitamins in sexual sphere of vital activity, but now we shall limit ourselves by more general information about them. Vitamins B1,B2, PP and some other take part in energetic metabolism of organism, B6 - in amino acid metabolism, B12 and folacin are necessary for the production of red blood cells. In person's body vitamin D turns into hormore, regulating the calcium exchange.

The lack of the many of vitamins are shown at first in a very unspecific symptoms such as apathy, spirithess, high fatiguability, difficulties in concentration of attention and difficulties in learning. The profound lack causes the symthons, typical for the lack of this or those vitamins. So the lack of vitamin C appears in the development of scurvy with gum bleeding, tooth shaking, gum fester. The deep lack of vitamin PP leads to diarchaeas, purificatious, decreasing of mental abilities and sometimes to cutancous lesions with more deepsings. The lack of thyamin is one of the reasous of the development of short breath, heart diseases,and lesions in nervous system (polineuritis). The classical sign of the lack of vitamine B12 and folic acid - is anemia, and of the lack of vitamin B12 also the lessions of nervous system.

The lack of vitamin D appears as rickets in childhood; this disease beins with weakness, disposition to sweat, irrtability, than breaks the development of bones, the legg crooking appears, the chest deformation, the delay of teething. The lack of vitamine A causes the inability of the eyas to adopt normally to dirn light (night blindness), the dryness of corneas appears and then their disfuction and development of wall-eye.

Vitamin E is traditionally considered as vitamin of reproduction, the losk of it causes the suffering of testicles, but as the vitamins of reproduction might be considered many other vitamins, and for the first place - vitamine A. Generally speaking the lack of the most of vitamins leads to breaking of the processes of growing, cellular renewal, i.e. biological phenomens connected with sexual maturation a person and his or her sexual status. The lack of vitamin C, like the lack of vitamins. which participate in oxydation of nutrients (vitamins B1,B2,PP), which are not related to vitamins of reproduction are not less distructive for sexucal sphere.

There is a stable deleesion that fruits and vegetables are the only sources of vitamins.

This is right only in connection with vitamin C, folic acid and vegetable pigment - precursor of vitamin A - b-carotene. The other vitamins come or must come into a person organism from different products.

We name the most important of vitamins' sources.

Oil-soluble vitamins

Vitamin A - liver, meat, fish, milk, dairy products (cottage cheese and

other), butter, eggs.

b-carotene - (vegetable precursor of vitamin A) - red, yellow - orange

and dark green vegetables (carrot, tomatoes, green leafy

vegetables, including parsley, fennel, onion, lettuce),


Vitamin D - eggs, butter, fat of cod liver, caviar. This vitamin is

produced in organism under influence of ultra-violet lights

from precursors, received with yeast and some other


Vitamin E - vegetable oil, nuts, less - in pulses, groats, bread, eggs, green

leaf vegetables, pepper, liver.

Vitamin K - green leafy vegetables, cabbage. This vitamin is produced

by microorganisms, inhabited the bowels of person, and

that is why its lack usually doesn't appear.

Water-soluble vitamins

Vitamin C - green leafy vegetables, cabbage (including sour cabbage,

sweet pepper (paprika), black currant,

garden strawberries, citric plants. the content of this

vitamin on potatoes is temperate, but its considerable

consumption makes contribution in supplying of organism

with vitamin C.

Vitamin B1 - lean meat, poultry, liver, kidneys, groats (buckwheat,

husked millet, oatmeal are the richest), and also the beans

and bread from rough-gristed flour.

Vitamin B2 - liver, kidney, meat, eggs, milk, dairy products, groats,

bread from rough-gristed flour, but the assimilation of bread

grains is lower than of the other product.

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) - liver, kidney, cottage cheese, cheese,

groats, bread.

Vitamin B6 - liver, meat, poultry, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, groats

(especially, buckwheat, oatmeal, husked millet), pulses, bread

from rough - gristed flour, potatoes.

Vitamin PP - liver, kidney, meat, fish, milk and dairy products (including

cheese), vegetables, fruits. It is contained in groats (buck-

wheat, oatmeal, husked millet), but it is assimilated from

them badly, especially from maize.

Folic acid - liver, green leafy vegetables ( lettuce, parsley, etc.), bread.

Its content in meat, fruits, berries is not large.

Vitamin B12 - liver, kidney, less in meat and fish. There is no vitamin

B12 in vegetable food and yeast.

Food with named above vitamins contains a number of vitamin - like substances. We name among them bioflavonoids (vitamin P). It pleasantly influences on vascular system, strengthens the vitamin C activity. Bioflavonoids side by side with b-carotene vitamins A,E,C has the antioxydantive action protect a person's organism from oxide destruction and radiation influence.

Mineral substances

One would think, what is the use for a person from mineral substances - parts of soil, sound or stones? But mineral substances in very small amounts go into plants, and with vegetable food - to animals and people. The most famous, but not the only one function of mineral substances is the creation of skeleton. Calcium and phosphorus of food are used for that. These elements participate in many other displays of vital activity of organism. Phosphorus, for example, participates in energetic metabolism. Its high content in brain in the end of 19- beginning of 20 century led even to conception about the special role of phosphorus in mental activity. They tried to ascribe to phosphorus also a great role in sexual activity of a person, but with the years the interest to it decreased. Calcium is the participant of many regulation, without which a person simply couldn't exist.

The sources of phosphorus are bread, meat, liver, dish of brains, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, nuts and other products.

The sources of calcium are milk and dairy products (including cheeses, cottage cheese, green vegetables spring onions, etc.), dried apricots, nuts, pulses, oats and products from it. The main part of calcium in grains is connected by fitates and that is why calcium is accumulated badly from many of cereals. Yeast - baking of bread increases the assimilation of calcium (the same we have told you about zinc). There is often an unpleasant correlation in person's food: the lack of calcium excess of phosphorus. Green leafy vegetable have good correlation of these elements, including sorrel and spinach, in which calcium is firmly connected with oxalic acid and badly reached by person's organism.

Magnesium and potassium are very important for the heat work, they also participate in regulation of water balance (we shall steak about water balance in aspect of before menstrual syndrome, which some women have).

The sources of potassium are - vegetables especially sorrel and spinach, melons, potatoes, fruits (especially prunes, dried apricots), oats, pulses, sea kale, milk.

Magnesium is contained in sea fish, bread from rough gristed flour, groats (buck wheat, husked millet, fine - ground barley, in pulses, belt, lettuce, spinach and other products.

Many of mineral substances are necessary to organism in very small amounts, that is why they are called trace elements. In the next chapter we shall often speak about their role in sexual status of a person, but here we limit ourselves by information about presence of these elements in food.

Iron is necessary for production of haemoglobin of red blood cells, the lack of causes the development of anemia. Iron is assimilated more easily from meat, liver, lungs, There are a lot of iron in hen's eggs, but it is assimilated from this source very badly, because it is connected in unreachable for persona's organism combinations. Milk and dairy products are poor with iron. There is less iron in bread grains than in meat, liver or lungs and it is assimilated from bread grains worse, then from the products of organic origin. Beet, apples, pears, black currant are rich in iron. Organic acids of fruits help the assimilation of iron in bowels, nuts depress it.

Many of trace elements are necessary as components of enzymes, catalyzing the basic processes of vital activity. So, iron not only transfer oxide in blood, but also catalyze its using in tissues for receiving energy from nutrients. Among the participants of enzyme catalyze we can name manganese, copper, molybdenum, selenium, chromium, zinc. Iodine is used by organism in the set of hormone of thyroid gland the substance, on which production depends greatly person's activity, work capacity and sexual status. The role of arsenic is not so evident, but its great importance in maintaining of sexual potential is generally recognized.

We name the most important sources of trace elements of food.

Arsenic - sea and river fish, mollusks.

Chrome - liver, meat, grain products (buckwheat, maize, pearl - barley),


Copper - liver, sea-products, grain-products (buckwheat, oats), pulses (pea, haricot), nuts, cheeses, cocoa chocolate it very little in milk.

Iodine - sea kale, dishes from it, sea fish (cod, whiting, etc.), cuttlefish, shrimps, meat, milk. Ken's eggs, beef liver are poorer in iodine. On the sea-side a part of necessary iodine person receives with air.

Manganese - pulses, grain products (barley, oatmeal, etc.), apricots, nuts, coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, some spices. Less in meat, fish, eggs, milk, sea products.

Molybdenum - pulses, liver, kidneys: less in groats. In fruits and many vegetables - very little.

Selenium - liver, kidney, meat, grains and pulses fish (cod, herring, tuna, etc.). In some regions the selenium content in soil, water and, accordingly, in products is lower. it is recommended to take selenium preparations.

Zinc - meat, cheeses, groats (oatmeal, buckwheat, etc.), rye-bread, pulses (pea, haricot), shrimps, herring, cuttlefish, cocoa, chocolate. Less in potatoes but its consumption is larger tan other products.

We deliberately haven't spoken about a number of other substances of food - extractive substances, hormones, hormone like combinations, influencing on person. We shall steak about them further. Also deliberately we do not give quantitative values of content of this or those substances in food. This information you can find in tables (Mc Cance and Widdouson's The Composition of Foods, 1994), and even more simply if you have an opportunity to use computer data base, which lets you value your organism supply with necessary to it substances and gives you advise how to correct the nutrition.

So how the entering of the food substances to organism is transformed to food power, rules person's behavior and passions?

- these substances are used for creation, renewal and protection of body's structures which are necessary for vital activity - nervous system, blood and bloods-vessels, muscles, and all other organs and tissues from unpleasant influences.

- from nutrients or with their participation hormones and other chemical combination with play the role of regulation of person's behavior are produced.

- they supply the organism with the necessary energy. As a result there is an effect that is figuratively named food power. If there is the lack of any of substances, than discord in the work of organism appears, for example, the signals for sexual excitation are not passed or they are not received by conformable anatomic structures.

Further we shall not once make sure that for normal sexual status it is necessary not any exotic product, but set of variable food products, supplying in optimum combinations all the necessary substances. as a matter of fact, even from the shown examples you can see: food products may supply our body with all necessary variety of substances in the case of variable nutrition.

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